There are two methods for obtaining and installing the code:

  1. Clone the git repository:
    mkdir -p ~/packages/dragon
    cd ~/packages/dragon
    git clone
    cd analyzer
    ./configure # (--with-options if desired)
  2. Download a release:
    tar -xzvf analyzer-1.x.x.tar.gz  --or-- unzip
    cd analyzer
    ./configure # (--with-options if desired)

The library can be loaded into an interactive ROOT session by issuing the following commands:

root[] .include /path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/src
root[] gSystem->Load("/path/to/your/dragon/analyzer/lib/");

To convert a MIDAS file to a ROOT file (assuming ~/packages/dragon/analyzer/bin is in your search path), issue the command

mid2root runxxxx.mid

For installation troublshooting, please visit the faq page